Archives July 2019

I Couldn’t Figure Out the Answer to Post-Travel Tiredness, So I Slept on It.

I’m currently fighting the urge to lay in bed all day and binge watch the second season of Outlander. Maybe that’s just what two weeks of working with children nonstop will do to you, but I’ve noticed it almost always happens after any traveling (okay, camp isn’t exactly traveling but it’s still living out of a suitcase). Then when it’s time to get cracking on “real life” work, I’m ready for a nap or a snack.

After the amount of traveling I’ve done, you’d think I’d have it somewhat figured out, but here we are, considering eating ice cream for the second time today. So, let’s embark on this success brainstorm journey together and maybe get back to being productive members of society.

1. Actually Take Time to Rest

If you can, give yourself some time to relax and watch Netflix or read a book. In case you need a binge worthy show, I’m obsessing over Outlander at the moment. Don’t stay up doing that though — go to sleep early. Sometimes it’s necessary to sleep for 12 hours straight and watching Netflix does not count as sleep (believe me, I’ve tried). Plus, going to sleep early will get you waking up early and being productive. If all else fails, don’t under estimate the power of a quick nap (again, Netflix does not count as sleep, sorry).

2. Clean Your Space

I, personally, work better when my living space is clean. Unpack, do the laundry, change the bed sheets, sort through mail or whatever clutter that’s taken over your dining room table. Once my suitcase is no longer standing in the middle of my room unopened, I’m much more likely put on big kid clothes instead of PJs. The world just feels less daunting when there aren’t any dirty dishes in the sink. I don’t know why, but it’s true.

3. Get Some Exercise

Studies have shown time and again how getting your blood flowing can give you more energy and motivation. And did you really do those runs you said you would on your trip? I know I didn’t. A short run, some yoga, or anything to get your heart pumping might be just what you need. Your body might feel like 600 pounds, but have you tried lifting some extra weights or maybe doing some pull ups? Get outside and go for a run or a fast walk. Whatever get’s your heart going.

4. Drink Water

I’ve spent the last two weeks telling campers that tiredness is a symptom of dehydration, and it’s true. I think we all under estimate the power of water. Especially after a long trip. I mean, you might have been carrying your Camelbak everywhere while being a tourist, but that goes out the window when you get back home. Honestly, can you even remember the last time you had a drink of water?

5. Get Back to a Routine

This one might be the biggest deal breaker. Routines are huge. I know it’s easy to scoff at a “boring routine” but research shows how not having to make all those little routine choices can save a lot of cognitive energy. Not to mention if you have a routine to go into the office and work for eight hours or your daily plan is already scheduled, it’s no surprise you’ll get more done.

While traveling or on vacation, it’s great to be a free spirit. You don’t need to set a schedule or get anything done. Be as unproductive and lazy as you possibly can! But as soon as you get back into deadlines, the daily grind is actually your new best friend.

Have any other life-saving techniques for post-travel fatigue? Write them in the comments! I know I could use all the help I can get.

Jo in Briancon, France

Tripping All Over the World

I was trying to save my traveling stories of dumb shit I do for some perfect time or ideal publication but honestly, I think it’s funny, so I want to share it with you.

I’ve noticed that some of my favorite traveling stories to share with people are often the ones I should probably be embarrassed about. But who doesn’t like to laugh at that idiot person who bought a small package of yeast thinking it was butter? I know I do.

While all these could potentially be short stories, for now, they are just a list. Maybe I’ll start writing about each one individually and if I do, I’ll start linking to that full story. On that note, if there’s one where you desperately need to hear the whole story, let me know! Put it in a comment! Send me an email! Write a personalized post card! It’s your choice really.

So without further ramblings,

The Dumb Shit I’ve Done Traveling:


  • Somehow losing an entire outfit without realizing it. I still don’t know where I left them.

Me looking back at photos two weeks later: Oh yeah, I forgot I’d brought that tank top…
  • Buying sparkling red wine when I wanted normal cheap red wine. On the bright side — I will never forget that frizzante means sparkling or fizzy in Italian.
  • Slicing the tip of my thumb while cutting chorizo. I have no excuses for this one other than the chorizo was really good and the knife was really sharp.
  • Dropping a hot oven tray on my knee. I was trying to save a pizza, can you blame me? Why anyone trusted me to take a sliding pizza out of the oven is another question.
  • Buying a cube of yeast thinking it was a baby cube of butter. It fit in the palm of my hand. It was SO cute. Fun fact though, fresh yeast does not taste cute.
Okay really, if you saw this, not knowing how to say yeast or butter in French, and it had a picture of bread on it, would you not think it was butter?
  • Almost taking someone else’s bread at a bakery because the woman put it on the counter next to mine. The first time, the lady laughed, and we moved on. The next morning when I accidentally did it again she was not so amused. What can I say, shopping in a language I don’t know is stressful.
  • Forgetting to put on sunscreen then going climbing in the sun for four hours. The word for after-sun in French is après-soleil.


  • Making a detailed itinerary of my cycling route, then forgetting the itinerary in the pack I left behind.
  • Also, conveniently leaving my journal I was going to document the trip with in that pack.
  • Not realizing there was a specific bike path and biking on a motorway. In my defense, it hadn’t looked like a motorway at first.
  • Buying a can of beans then not having a can opener. Note to self: not all cans are easy open.
  • The biggest one for Iceland: Not being much of a cyclist and deciding to do a 6-day bikepacking trip by myself. Who’d have thought that was a bad idea?


  • My personal favorite: Not reading the fine print on my plane ticket and missing the flight because I hadn’t gotten a visa stamp at the check-in desk.
  • Boarding the wrong bus and then missing the last train of the day because I hadn’t bought tickets ahead of time.
  • Leaving a bathing suite out to dry at your hostel is a practical thing to do, right? Less practical — forgetting to repack it before leaving the hostel.

Hopefully, this has made you feel better about your traveling incidents. Or maybe you’re a perfect traveler, in which case, hopefully I’ve given you a reason to laugh or be deeply confused at how anyone could travel so much and still make so many mistakes. Maybe both.

Happy traveling!

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