The Time Is Really Flying

And I didn’t even throw my watch out the window

It seems like I could have just arrived in Scotland for my first year of university just last month yet here I am and its been a full nine months of hard work, new experiences, and a lot of good times. The featured picture is taken in Barcelona from my trip to Spain and along with working for my pun I figured any picture I put up of some big cool looking monument, you could probably find a better picture of it on the internet, but this moment, seeing all the birds and the ephemeral joy this guy seemed to have feeding them – it was what I was looking for in my trip. I climbed cliffs, wandered through new cities, got back into speaking Spanish, and ate more food than I ever have in my life. My trip went from doing my first outdoor rock climbing in all kinds of weather (including one freak hail storm) on the Eastern coast of Spain near Reus, to exploring Barcelona, Valencia, and Madrid discovering both the positives and the negatives to traveling alone and then off to Portugal for a few days with an old friend for catching up, wine, and good food. Although the trip was entirely exhausting and parts of it pushed me further out of my comfort zone than I might have liked, if I had the choice to go back and do it differently, I don’t think there is a thing I would change. Now the semester is coming to an end with the last exams, then London and the summer and there are a lot of mixed feelings about leaving this place but until the very moment my bags are packed and I am getting on the plane, I’m trying to live in blissful ignorance.